New Year Goals and How to Achieve Them!

New Year Goals and How to Achieve Them!

Dec 28, '21

Are you making good New Year’s resolutions or setting goals for 2022? Doing a vision board and dreaming big?  Whatever you call it, here are a few tips to succeed (and mistakes to avoid)!  This is the time when we truly get a fresh start in achieving fitness goals!

Make a plan! “I want to lose ten pounds” is a goal, not a plan. Instead, try something like, “I’m going to exercise for 30 minutes five times a week and only eat a small dessert twice in a week.” Those bite-sized (pun intended) actions add up to the desired result. When we set big goals without a step-by-step plan, it feels unattainable and we are more likely to quit.

Find a friend! Accountability always helps whether it’s to log a few miles in your neighborhood, hit the gym together, or just to check in. We always think we need to do things alone, but it’s so much easier to fall off if we don’t have someone counting on us—and cheering us on!

Be willing to modify! But always show up. The routine is the hardest part, so if you’re sore or tired or have an injury, show up anyway to stretch, do yoga, or take a walk (don't forget the proper gear, like a durable and comfortable armband or belt, to keep your phone, keys, cash, and cards safe and in-reach!). Keeping the time commitment is more important than the actual activity you do. Consistency counts!

Track your journey! If you’re using an app to manage your runs or a journal for nutrition, make sure to write down the details. How did you feel? What was a success? These things help you see where you need help and, more importantly, how far you’ve come.

Give yourself time! Expecting overnight results is crazy, but we all want them. We expect a faster time, heavier dumbbell, or lower number on the scale right away. Try to not look at the numbers. Instead, focus on the process and set realistic times to check on your progress. Maybe every Monday? That helps keep you going through the weekend, too.

Reward yourself! Not with drinks and sweets though. When you hit a goal or show up consistently, celebrate! A new journal, a pair of shoes, or a fitness accessory. Nothing motivates you to take your workouts to the next level than a prized piece of gear like a no-slip, weather- and sweat-proof Armpocket armband or belt. Phones can be such an asset to your workouts by bringing music, podcasts, or tracking apps to the table. So take your phone with you on your runs or walks and keep it protected and fully accessible with an armband that is built to last!


You want to establish a routine that will last. No one wants to be part of the gym club that fizzles out in February! So make sure that whatever you choose suits your lifestyle. And then stick with it--don’t forget that we’re always cheering for you, too! We’ll be working right along with you to achieve our own personal 2022 goals!