As an adult I began running, as so many did, to lose weight after having my first baby. Run life was sporadic at best and from age 29-40 I ran here and there pushing a jogging stroller, doing an occasional race. At 40 I was still heavy and not happy so I started playing tennis, adding running again and by the time I was 43 I had lost close to 60 pounds. I ran in a few races and I’ve been hooked into my “second” run stint ever since! Now at 56 I don’t care about the weight as much but I care about the running and my healthy active lifestyle.
Now I’m more involved with races, representing run groups that inspire me and also some of my most favorite products!
I am looking forward this fall to helping coach with @gotr_greaterhouston and lots of virtual runs plus a destination run in Denver and another 10K/half that I am an ambassador for in Houston.
Life is what you make of it and you can do more than you think you can. I play tennis, I kayak, I ride my bicycle, I do yoga, I lift weights and strength train and I will play just about any sport thrown in my direction…and love to mix it up. But mostly I run.
I have three adult children and in early June became a Gammie to a beautiful little girl, our granddaughter.
In my past life I was a nurse and a singer and at 49 went back to school to study to become a Sommelier.
I have run in 10 different countries and absolutely love to travel.
It is my belief that we are given this one life and it is our choice how we use it but I want to use it in every best way possible for myself and my family!
My very first arm pocket was back when I had an iPhone 4… So now that I have an 11, that must’ve been a long time ago! I’ve never stopped using the product and prefer to wear mine upside-down on my arm. It works for me!