Screen time might be the biggest challenge of the modern world for parents! On a good day, we struggle with setting timers, hearing how other parents do it, managing each kid separately. So what now? Do we throw all of the rules out the window? And if we get them off of screens, what do we do with them?
Here are a few fun outdoor ideas to keep your kids active (while respecting all social distancing mandates):
Window Art: Whether it’s filling our windows with rainbows or bears, neighbors everywhere are on the lookout for fun ways to take their kids on a “hunt!” You can organize this within your community using Nextdoor or a Facebook group. Bonus that it can double as an art project and outdoor activity!
Camping: This is the best of both worlds! You can have the benefits of the camping experience—while staying close enough to your own restrooms and beds (just in case that ground gets too hard or it starts to rain). Ghost stories, games, flashlights, and family time are all part of the fun. And who doesn’t love an excuse for a s’more, even if you're not actually lighting a campfire!
Sidewalk Chalk: Always a classic kid favorite, driveway and sidewalk art is making a comeback. Whether you're drawing cool mosaics, writing positive quotes, or sticking with the old favorite, hopscotch, you can not only have fun, you can also brighten someone else’s day when they see your work!
Nature Scavenger Hunt: The internet is filled with free resources these days to help us through this. A quick search brings up lots of printables to help you take your kids on a scavenger hunt—leaves, wildlife, sticks, and more. What can you find while out for a walk?
Painted Rocks: Again filling a dual role as art and outdoors, you can search for rocks, paint them, and then place them around your neighborhood to bring joy to someone else!
As parents, we want our kids off their screens, but we want to document this time with photos! Use your favorite armband to carry your phone, hand sanitizer, a pencil, and anything else you might need for your neighborhood adventure! And feel free to tag us along the way. We love seeing you and your family outside and active!