What’s your 2020 vision? This is a big year and it’s time for big goals...and big action! Here are a few tips to turn those goals into reality!
- Set goals that are realistic and attainable. If you’re new to running your goal could be running a 5K in 2 months, and if you’ve recently finished a half-marathon, maybe it’s a full marathon in 3 months? Look at the calendar and be honest with yourself about what is reasonable.
- Start small and then get bigger. Can you set a goal to change one or two things daily that will add up to a monthly or yearly goal? One less soda or one more pushup than normal may not sound like much on the day-to-day level, but over a year, those small tweaks add up to BIG changes!
- Create goals for different areas of your life. Some categories you might think about are financial, business, relationship, and health & fitness (we can definitely help with this last one).
- Make sure that your goals can be tracked. Are you doing something a certain number of days per week? What about saving x amount of dollars? Cutting out a certain sweet? You want to be able to measure your success.
- Write them down. And read them over every day. Some people create a vision board and hang it on their closet door or refrigerator. Others use dry erase markers on their bathroom mirror. You could keep them in your planner or on your desk. Just don’t hide them!
- Share them. Tell your friends and family what you’re working on and why these things matter to you. The more accountability you have, the better. And you never know, someone just might jump in to join you.
Some of our goals here at Armpocket include plogging, buying a house, hitting a PR for a 5K, and reading 40 books! We would love to hear some of yours (and any book recommendations you may have)!
Cheers to 2020 and hitting all of our big goals!